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Welcome to Poland Patent & Trademark Office

Do you have company?

Find your trademark

Does your company have trademark id?

It's time to create your own trademark and join to the worldwide market

  • Find the Perfect Trademark

  • Apply for it

Find Your Right Place

Explore Your Career Path With PPTO

Explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and we will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings.

  • Executive Opportunities

  • Non Excecutive Opportunities

Our categories

Browse a category

  • Logistics & Services

  • Hospitality

  • Manufacturing

  • Education & Government

  • Software/IT

  • Front Line Support

Logistics & Services Industries

26 Trademarks in 10 Different Companies


26 Trademarks in 10 Different Companies


26 Trademarks in 10 Different Companies

Education & Government

26 Trademarks in 10 Different Companies


26 Trademarks in 10 Different Companies

Front Line Support

26 Trademarks in 10 Different Companies
How it’s Possible

Three Steps to create trademark




Sign the contract


Publish it